You are hungry for change. You want to feel in control of your life and be on top of your game.
Yet, there's this current game of inconsistency and looping disempowered thoughts and behaviors.Â
You wonder if you’ll ever get past it.
And to be honest, it’s uncomfortable to think about because you know you’re meant for more. Yet it’s those blocks that end up holding you back, and it's been far too long that you've been living with this.Â
Now, take a moment to pause. Think about a massive breakthrough happening in your life. Notice what you immediately think of when you imagine breaking free. Who are YOU as a result of this huge BREAKTHROUGH?
AÂ more joyful person. A creative person. You probably have a real sense of freedom. Yes!Â
Imagine what you could do with this freedom?
By tracking the extraordinary people I've had the honor to work with, I became fascinated as to HOW they got to where they are and HOW by being inside their minds, I could help them see what they aren’t seeing. Even successful people can become more so by exposing the gaps.Â
To break through the subconscious patterns that hold so many people back, three distinct steps must happen, and they must happen in the right order. You must Reveal, Release, and Reprogram your thoughts and actions so you can live with greater meaning, a sense of certainty and a feeling of significance.Â
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they try to make a change on their own is thinking that knowledge is what will create change. They consume ALL the books, webinars and Youtube videos, when in actuality, it's a big transformational inner change that does it.Â
The traditional methods of therapy can be helpful, but often end up taking years, leaving you frustrated with slow progress. What needs to be done in a modern approach to therapy is focus the SUBconscious mind wholly and completely on the stronger, wiser, courageous person you are becoming.Â
You must reprogram the R.E.T. Block so it no longer has holds you back. That’s the Repeated Emotionalized Thoughts that have looped the same disempowered thoughts, causing you disempowered habits, like a dog chasing its tail.Â
Now, you know this, but although you know it, you haven’t been able to shift it.Â
In the MIGHTY 4 PROGRAM, we will reveal your R.E.T. Block so it's no longer elusive to you. Now here’s where it gets even more exciting. I use my signature method of Hypnosis as the strategic tool that facilitates releasing from the old patterns so we can reprogram your mind in record time.Â
This method addresses the issues from a different state of consciousness versus intertwined with the analytical parts of your brain that brings such frustration. This makes all the difference, which explains why so many of my already successful clients have become even more so.Â
As you habitize the Hypnotic changes you’ll notice you begin telling yourself a new story. Your thoughts and feelings are at peace and you become calmly confident. You are wonderfully settled into a genuine love for your life and waking up each day finally feels like you’re waking up enlivened to create the next chapter of your life.Â
This compassionate and direct method moves you forward more rapidly.
It’s an internal A-Z process that collapses time. You’ve been cycling old programs for many years. Imagine that you’ll have bridged to the other side in a matter of a year. Time matters, and hacking a process that has proven results is the most brilliant way to create a transformation.Â
The Mighty 4 Method is your solution.
One year. 4 Big Areas of Your Life. 4 Big Transformations.
1: SELF: self esteem / self worth / self confidence / follow through / self leadership / discipline / abundance / emotional regulation
2: COMMUNICATION: relationships / intimacy / courageous and compassionate dialogue / opennessÂ
3: FINANCIALÂ COURAGE: money mindset explosive growth /Â mental - emotional connection to a healthy money-lifeÂ
4: VITALITY: healthy-habit-development / consistency / fitness adventure mindset / life joy

Weekly HypnoCoaching
Strategic Hypnosis for Rapid Development. Customized subconscious programming designed for your growth-plan.Â
- 1 Year Growth Plan
- Weekly 40 minute sessions
- 1X monthly 90 minute
- 90 Day Assessments for assuring you stay on track

Heart Centered Performance
Healing is part of growth; all goals in this program are sourced from strength, courage and authenticity. Release from proving and survival mentality.

High Level Habit Development
The right habits are the "how" to your Why (purpose). Become disciplined and devoted to the life you are creating.Â